Neko no ongaeshi
"Neko no Ongaeshi", also known as "The Cat Returns", is a charming Japanese animated film produced by Studio Ghibli. The story centers around Haru, a high school girl who saves a cat and discovers that he is Prince Lune of the Cat Kingdom. Grateful for her kindness, the Cat King insists that Haru marry Lune. Unbeknownst to her, Haru is gradually turning into a cat and is whisked away to the Cat Kingdom.
Guided by the enigmatic Baron Humbert von Gikkingen and assisted by a magical crow named Toto, Haru embarks on a whimsical adventure to escape the feline fate that awaits her. Along the way, she encounters a variety of eccentric characters, both human and feline, and learns valuable lessons about courage, identity, and self-discovery.
"The Cat Returns" is known for its enchanting animation, delightful characters, and imaginative storytelling. Directed by Hiroyuki Morita, the film provides a whimsical and heartwarming experience, capturing the essence of fantasy and friendship. With its fairy-tale-like narrative, the movie appeals to audiences of all ages, showcasing the magic and wonder that Studio Ghibli is renowned for in the world of animation.
- Directed by: Hiroyuki Morita
- Production companies: Hakuhodo, Mitsubishi, Nippon Television Network (NTV)
- Released: 20 July 2002
- Runtime: 75 minutes
- Box office: $54.5 million
- Watch here: