The devil is a part-timer!
"The Devil Is a Part-Timer!" is an anime series that combines comedy, fantasy, and slice-of-life elements. The story revolves around Satan, who, after being defeated in his world, escapes to modern-day Tokyo along with his loyal general, Alciel. In Tokyo, Satan takes on the alias of Sadao Maou and works at a fast-food restaurant called MgRonald's to survive in the human world. The series humorously explores Satan's struggles with adapting to human life and dealing with mundane challenges.
As Satan navigates the human world, he encounters Emi Yusa, the hero who originally defeated him, now working as a call center employee. Despite their previous enmity, their roles are reversed, leading to comical situations. The show skillfully blends fantasy and everyday life, offering a unique perspective on the clash between supernatural and mundane elements. Throughout the series, characters undergo development, and unexpected alliances form.
"The Devil Is a Part-Timer!" is celebrated for its humor, character dynamics, and the way it subverts traditional fantasy tropes.
- Genres: TV Series, Comedy, Animation, Anime, Fantasy
- Creater: Satoshi Wagahara
- Producer companies: White Fox, Studio 3Hz
- Released: 4 April 2013
- Number of seasons: 2
- Duration: 24 minutes per ep
- Watch here: