Psychic Princess
"Psychic Princess", also known as "Tong Ling Fei", is a Chinese anime adaptation of the manhua (Chinese comic) of the same name. The story follows the adventures of Qian Yunxi, a princess with a unique ability to see the future. Due to political schemes, she is forced to marry the powerful Duke of Zong, Mo Liancheng.
Initially met with resistance, their relationship gradually develops as they face various challenges together. Qian Yunxi's psychic abilities play a crucial role in navigating the intricate political landscape of the royal court. The series combines elements of romance, fantasy, and comedy, with a focus on the growing connection between the lead characters.
As the story unfolds, Qian Yunxi discovers the complexities of her husband's past and the reasons behind their arranged marriage. The anime explores themes of love, destiny, and personal growth, blending moments of humor and drama. With beautifully animated scenes and a mix of historical and fantastical elements, "Psychic Princess" offers a compelling narrative that engages viewers in the evolving relationship between the two protagonists amidst a backdrop of political intrigue and magical abilities.
- Genres: TV Series, Animation, Action, Comedy, Drama, Romance
- Creator: Rou Rou
- Producer companies: Haoliners Animation, Shanghai Caixian Cultural Development, Tencent Animation & Comics
- Release date: 30 November 2018
- Number of seasons: 1
- Duration: 17-20 minutes per ep
- Watch here: