Saint Young Men
"Saint Young Men" is a unique and humorous anime that imagines a slice-of-life scenario featuring two divine figures, Jesus Christ and Gautama Buddha, who decide to take a vacation on Earth. The movie explores their experiences as they live together in a small apartment in Tokyo, attempting to adapt to modern Japanese life while keeping their true identities hidden.
The anime cleverly blends religious satire with everyday situations, depicting Jesus and Buddha as regular individuals facing the challenges of contemporary society. From navigating public transportation to dealing with technology, the divine duo encounters amusing cultural clashes and misunderstandings.
Despite the comedic premise, "Saint Young Men" manages to convey respectful and lighthearted portrayals of religious figures. The characters' interactions provide insight into their philosophies and teachings, fostering a sense of mutual understanding and friendship.
This movie offers a fresh and humorous take on religious figures in a modern setting, delivering a delightful and insightful experience for viewers of diverse backgrounds.
- Directed by: Noriko Takao
- Production companies: A-1 Pictures, Aniplex, Kôdansha
- Released: 3 December 2012
- Box office: $1.8 million
- Runtime: 90 minutes
- Watch here: