Naoshi Komi's manga series "Nisekoi" is written and illustrated by him. From 2011 to 2016, the series was serialized in Shueisha's "Weekly Shonen Jump" magazine before being published in 25 tankobon volumes. The plot revolves around Raku Ichijou, a high school student who is the heir to a powerful yakuza family. Raku's life is complicated when he is forced into a phony relationship with Chitoge Kirisaki, the daughter of a rival gang leader, in order to avoid a gang war. Despite their initial hostility, Raku and Chitoge gradually develop feelings for each other as they navigate the difficulties of high school life.
Raku and Chitoge meet a variety of quirky and endearing characters throughout the series, each with their own distinct personality and struggles. The story is well-known for its wit, romance, and heartwarming moments, as well as its exploration of themes like family, friendship, and loyalty. Overall, "Nisekoi" is a charming and entertaining manga that cleverly combines humor, romance, and coming-of-age themes. Its relatable characters and positive messages about family, friendship, and loyalty have made it a favorite among school-life manga fans.
Author: Naoshi Komi
Original run: November 7, 2011 – August 8, 2016
Volumes: 25
Status: Completed
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