Yayoiso's manga series "ReLIFE" is written and illustrated in Japanese. From 2013 to 2018, the series was serialized on the website Comico and later published in print by Earth Star Entertainment. Arata Kaizaki, 27, is unemployed after resigning from a company where he had worked for three months. He is unable to find work and fails at every interview. His parents also refuse to financially support him.
One night, he meets Ry Yoake, who is associated with the ReLife Research Institute. Ry Yoake gives Arata a miracle tablet that transforms him into his 17-year-old self and enrolls him in a year-long experiment. While looking for 17, Arata enrolled in a high school and met Chizuru Hishiro, who wants to but is having difficulty making friends. Arata discovers what he lacks in real life during his interactions with Chizuru Hishiro and his other classmates. Will you go on the adventure if given the opportunity?
Author: Sō Yayoi
Original run: October 12, 2013 – March 16, 2018
Volumes: 15
Status: Completed
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