Suriname is a safe place to visit. However, as with any other trip, you must use caution in Suriname. During your travel to Suriname, there are a few things that you should pay special attention to. Having a lot of money or jewelry in your pocket, for example, is not a good idea. This is absolutely one of the things to know before traveling to Suriname.
And don't question if it's safe to come to Suriname because you read of a robbery that occurred during a nighttime walk-in in dark and empty neighborhoods. However, there are some areas of the nation – particularly in the capital – where your personal safety is more at danger than in other areas. Pickpocketing is a particular concern in metropolitan areas and marketplaces, although petty crime is a problem. This type of criminal activity is also on the rise.
Traveling to the country's rainforested interior, while becoming increasingly popular, carries its own set of difficulties. The nature and isolation of the interior create more than enough risk to raise anxiety, even without the high crime rates of urban regions. Any excursion to the interior should be planned ahead of time, and traveling alone isn't usually recommended (though it is generally trouble-free).