Skip Creamy Sauce By Using Oil- or Tomato-Based Sauce
White sauce, like other "white" foods to avoid (white bread, white rice, white pasta), should be avoided while preparing a diabetes-friendly meal. Cream-based sauces have a higher saturated fat and salt content than other options. Because people with diabetes are more likely to have heart disease, it's important to eat heart-healthy foods that are low in sodium and fat.
Choosing sauces with olive oil and fresh garlic base, both of which may be beneficial to your heart. Olive oil, for example, is high in monounsaturated fat, which is a form of healthy fat. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, it may help decrease cholesterol. Red pasta sauces, such as marinara or classic tomato, are also excellent choices since they have less fat and calories than cream-based sauces. Choose a jar with no added sugar and, ideally, no more than 15 grams of carbs and 140 milligrams (mg) of sodium per half-cup serving when buying packaged red sauce.