Everyone enjoys tacos, right? Not only on Tuesdays, but also for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you can eat this adaptable dish. Try Spam as a taco filling since it can be anything you can think of. Cut your remaining Spam into strips and cook in a skillet until well-browned to make Hawaiian tacos. Sauté pineapple chunks and red bell pepper strips. The pineapple should faintly caramelize, and the peppers should be tender. To assemble, stack the meat, peppers, pineapple, and some shredded green cabbage on top of sour cream (or guacamole)-covered tortillas that have been warmed up. Add cilantro and queso fresco on top.
Spam cubes can be marinated in a mixture of crushed pineapple, lemon juice, sugar, and Mexican flavor for a unique take on the traditional al pastor tacos. After 10 minutes, cook the meat in a skillet with the marinade for 4–5 minutes. Place the cooked beef mixture inside the tortillas, and then garnish with queso fresco, cilantro, and finely minced white onion.