Unstuck: Your Guide to the Seven-Stage Journey Out of Depression - James Gordon
To continue, Toplist would like to introduce to you "Unstuck: Your Guide to the Seven-Stage Journey Out of Depression" in the 15 best books about depression. Despite billions of dollars spent on antidepressant medicines and psychotherapy, individuals all over the world continue to struggle with depression. One of the country's most famous psychiatrists, James Gordon, now offers a practical and efficient technique to get unstuck. In his book "Unstuck: Your Guide to the Seven-Stage Journey Out of Depression," James Gordon draws on his 40-year experience as a pioneer in psychiatry to present a seven-stage approach that can help.
Gordon demonstrates to readers that there are different ways to cope with depression by combining nutritional supplements and food; movement, exercise, and dance; Chinese medicine; meditation; psychotherapy; guided imagery; and spiritual practice. The end result is a magnificent guide that gives individuals willing to say "no" to misery and drugs and "yes" to optimism and happiness the power to improve their lives.
- good variety of approaches
- well-structured and supportive
- long-winded