Upolu is the first name on the list of the most beautiful islands in Samoa. The island of Upolu, which stretches 75 kilometers long and covers 1,125 square kilometers, is home to three-quarters of Samoa's population. While Upolu has the most to offer in terms of resorts, entertainment, food, and cultural experiences, the island remains true to the character of the entire archipelago of Samoa. Upolu is bordered on one side by pristine white sand beaches and clear, warm waters, and on the other, it has an unspoiled inland region with lush tropical rainforests, hidden waterfalls, and mountainous peaks rising to 3,652 feet above sea level.
You could spend days exploring the peace and tranquility of Upolu's natural oasis, whether you stay in a traditional beach fale or a luxury ocean-fronting resort (and in so many ways, including on foot, by bike, on a kayak, or on a guided tour). Upolu also has a side for those who enjoy a little hustle and bustle now and then. Shops and craft and food markets abound in Apia, Samoa's capital city on the north coast of Upolu, selling everything from local arts to tropical fruits, sweet treats, and freshly caught seafood.
Location: Upolu Island, Samoa