Use Windows 10 Automatic Repair Tool

If you want to fix error 0xc00000e on your computer, just access Microsoft's free tools.

To do this, do the following:

  1. To restart your PC, first shut it down completely. Once it's off, turn it back on and wait for the manufacturer logo to appear.
  2. To access the boot menu, press the F2 key. Note that depending on the manufacturer of your device, the key to access the boot menu may be different. If you find that F2 doesn't work, you can try looking up more information about your specific device to determine the correct key to use.
  3. Once in the boot menu > change the boot option to CD/DVD Rom. You can also choose to boot from USB if you have a bootable USB drive.
  4. If you don't have a CD, you can also use a USB drive to run the Windows repair process.
  5. Enter your Windows 10 OS CD/DVD > Restart your computer > It boots from your CD/DVD Rom. A message will appear on the screen that says "Press any key to boot from CD or DVD." Follow those instructions and press any key on your keyboard.
  6. It will start your Windows repair/installation process.
  7. Choose your time zone, language, and keyboard input method.
  8. On the next screen, click the Repair your computer button > click Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Automatic repair.

It will only take a few minutes to repair your damaged Windows files. The system repair option usually repairs damaged and missing system files. However, if error code 0xc00000e is not cleared at the end of this article, move on to the next method.

Image by Matheus Bertelli via
Image by Matheus Bertelli via
Image by Pew Nguyen via
Image by Pew Nguyen via

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