Vinho Verde

If you are searching for a wine that lends a flavor of zing and lemon to your cuisine, then we believe Vinho Verde is your best option. Even though it is not the most popular wine found in grocery stores, you should not have to travel far to a liquor store to locate a bottle of this. The famous review website Wide Open Eats characterizes this Portuguese wine as "Sprite of the wine industry." We must all agree!
It is nice, light, and has citrus undertones. According to Serious Eats, Vinho Verde is an effervescent wine, meaning it is somewhat bubbly. However, it does not qualify as a semi-sparkling wine, and hence, is more suited to commonplace usage in household kitchens.
Curious about what food Vinho Verde is most suited for in the kitchen? The review website Wide Open Eats recommends using it to prepare chicken or turkey breasts; just cover the meat with Vinho Verde and begin your cooking. It will likely improve the taste of otherwise quite bland white meats!