Warming Diet
One of the most useful Ayurvedic tips to strengthen your immune system during winter is having a warming diet. To maintain a healthy diet during the winter, consider foods that are natural Ayurvedic immune boosters. Fresh, organic, easily digestible, and healthy foods are immune-boosting. Winter meals that are easily digestible are good for boosting immunity. It is also critical to avoid commercially processed foods, foods containing chemicals and preservatives, and foods that are canned, frozen, or packaged. This is because they interfere with the digestive and immune systems' functions.
Warm, lightly prepared, less greasy, and spicy foods should also be included in your winter menu. Sweet (Madhura), Salty (Lavana), Pungent (Katu), Sour (Amla), Bitter (Tikta), and Astringent are the six distinct flavors mentioned in Ayurveda (Kashaya). Each of these tastes is made up of two unique components. Although winter foods should have a variety of flavors, your winter diet should emphasize sweet, sour, and salty flavors over astringent, bitter, and pungent flavors.
Home-cooked foods are some of the best winter season foods, as long as they are not deep-fried and are prepared with light oils like ghee or olive oil. You should also avoid eating cold food and drinking cold beverages in favor of eating warm food and drinking room-temperature beverages. This will assist in keeping your digestive fire burning and your body warm.
Tea is another wonderful food for the winter season since it aids digestion. After meals, you can enjoy a cup of tea. Other winter healthy foods include heat-producing vegetables like radish, onions, carrots, and spinach, as well as hot spices like garlic, ginger, black pepper, and chili pepper. In the winter, you can supplement your diet with cooked grains such as oats, barley, tapioca, and cornmeal. Furthermore, legumes are beneficial to Kapha and should be taken with ghee to mitigate the effects of Vata. Eggs and meats such as chicken, venison, and turkey are also healthy winter foods.