Yassa Guinar

For those who do not understand the meaning of the name, here is a brief explanation: in Wolof (the most widely spoken language), the terms ‘guinar’ and ‘dieun’ refer to chicken and fish, respectively.
Yassa Guinar is possibly the most straightforward meal to prepare. It is rice-based, and accompanied with an onion sauce made with nokos (as you can see, nokos is rather popular), mustard, and plenty of lemons. On most occasions, Yassa Guinar is also deliciously served with stewed or roasted fish (or fowl), which has been stuffed with nokos. That is basically the common formula, but you do not have to strictly follow it. This food may be prepared in a variety of ways to suit both the chef’s strong points and the preferences of the customers being served.
Due to its simple recipe and open access of ingredients, Yassa Guinar is quite popular among expatriate Senegalese. You can never go astray with a well-marinated and seasoned chicken, served with a mouthwatering onion sauce that will have you fantasize for days.