
Yoga has been found to have a beneficial effect on sleep quality. Yoga has been shown to reduce stress, improve physical function, and increase mental focus. Even a few minutes of yoga practice every day might help you become more aware of your body. This can help you discover where you're tense and where you're out of balance. You may use this awareness to re-establish balance and alignment in your life.
Choose a style that emphasizes moving meditation or breath work rather than strenuous physical movements. You can stay present and focused by moving carefully and slowly. Yin and restorative yoga are both excellent choices. Each week, try to do a couple of longer sessions and at least 20 minutes of self-practice. Before going to bed, do the postures to help you rest and unwind. Don't push yourself into a pose if it doesn't feel right. It is possible that forcing it will result in harm. It's crucial to do what feels comfortable for you and your body.