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Top 7 Best Foods That Are High in Chromium

Trần Thị Thùy Trang 35 0 Error

Chromium is a trace mineral that helps your body break down protein, carbohydrates, and lipids. Because it is not a necessary mineral, being lacking in it will ... read more...

  1. Grape juice is a good source of chromium. Only 1 cup (240 mL) contains 7.5 mcg or 21% of the DV. The chromium concentration in grape juice, on the other hand, might vary substantially depending on agricultural and production practices. This is also true for other fruits and vegetables. Grape juice also contains 67% of the Daily Value (DV) for vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps protect your body from free radical damage. Vitamin C also aids with immunological protection.

    Furthermore, your body absorbs just a small percentage of the chromium in your diet. However, data shows that eating vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, aids in its absorption. You may drink grape juice on its own or in a fruit smoothie. In any case, choose a version made entirely of grape juice with no added sugars. This is due to the fact that ingesting too much-added sugar has been related to type 2 diabetes, heart disease, dental problems, and obesity.

    Grape juice
    Grape juice
    Grape juice
    Grape juice

  2. Consuming whole wheat products may assist you in increasing your chromium intake. Whole wheat English muffins have a high mineral content. One standard-sized (58-gram) muffin, for example, provides 10% of the DV. Other whole wheat baked products contain less of the mineral but may still assist you in increasing your consumption. A medium-sized (36-gram) piece of whole wheat bread, for example, has 1 mcg of chromium, or 3% of the DV.

    Furthermore, whole wheat flour is high in protein and fiber, two nutrients that might help you lose weight by suppressing your hunger. A 1/4-cup (30-gram) portion of whole wheat flour has 4 grams of both nutrients. In nearly any recipe, whole wheat flour may be used in place of all-purpose flour.

    Whole wheat flour
    Whole wheat flour
    Whole wheat flour
    Whole wheat flour
  3. Brewer's yeast, sometimes known as baker's yeast, is a component used in the production of beer and bread. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a kind of fungus that is high in chromium, delivering 9 mcg per tablespoon (12 grams) and accounting for 9% of the DV.

    Brewer's yeast is frequently used as a dietary supplement to improve the protein content of a dish, raise energy, or stimulate the immune system. When used alongside diabetic medication, it may also help regulate blood sugar indicators in persons with type 2 diabetes. Brewer's yeast is often sold in powder form, which you may add to yogurt, smoothies, or sprinkle on top of a salad.

    Brewer’s yeast
    Brewer’s yeast
    Brewer’s yeast
    Brewer’s yeast
  4. If you dislike grape juice, you might substitute orange juice to add chromium to your diet, albeit it contains less of the mineral. A 1-cup (240-mL) portion of orange juice contains 2.2 mcg of chromium, which is 6% of the daily value. That's less than one-third of what's in a glass of grape juice.

    A serving of orange juice, on the other hand, has 90% of the daily requirement for vitamin C. It also includes flavonoids and carotenoids, which are antioxidants. These chemicals found in orange juice have been linked to a decreased risk of heart disease and inflammation. As with grape juice, aim to limit yourself to 100% orange juice. Examine the ingredient list and avoid types with extra sugar.

    Orange juice
    Orange juice
    Orange juice
    Orange juice
  5. Top 5


    Animal-based proteins are high in chromium. A 3-ounce (85-gram) portion of beef contains 2 mcg or 6% of the daily value. Other animal-based protein sources have less chromium than beef but can still help you get more of the mineral.

    Turkey and chicken breast are examples of this. A 3-ounce (85-gram) portion of turkey breast has 1.7 mcg of chromium, or 5% of the DV, whereas a 3-ounce (85-gram) dish of chicken breast contains 0.5 mcg or 1% of the DV. Beef, turkey, and chicken all contain vitamin B12, often known as cobalamin. This essential ingredient is required by your body for DNA and red blood cell synthesis, as well as an optimal nervous system function.

  6. Tomato juice is a very healthy and pleasant beverage. A 1-cup (240-mL) meal contains 1.5 mcg of chromium or 4% of the DV. It also contains a lot of vitamins, including vitamins A, C, and E. It also includes antioxidants, particularly lycopene, which has been linked to a lower risk of prostate cancer. However, canned tomato juice is often heavy in salt, which may cause certain people to have high blood pressure.

    Apples are recognized to be healthful and nutritious, and they also contain chromium. One medium (200-gram) apple has 1.4 mcg of the mineral or 4% of the daily value. Apples are also high in soluble fiber and polyphenols, a type of antioxidant molecule. These substances have been associated with a lower risk of heart disease. Apples are an excellent on-the-go snack that is accessible all year. You may experiment with new ways to eat apples, such as incorporating them into salads or baking them into chips.

    Tomato juice
    Tomato juice
  7. Green beans, often known as string beans, may help you enhance your chromium consumption. A half-cup (73-gram) portion of green beans contains 1.1 mcg of chromium, which accounts for around 3% of the daily value. Furthermore, green beans are low in FODMAPs, a kind of chemical. This acronym is an abbreviation for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols.

    FODMAPs are a kind of carbohydrate that enters your intestines undigested. They are metabolized by your gut flora, which can cause bloating, gas, discomfort, and other digestive problems. This may be a problem for persons who suffer from digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Green beans can be boiled, steamed, or microwaved as a side dish or nutritional snack.

    Green beans
    Green beans
    Green beans
    Green beans

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