Alice In Borderland
"Alice in Borderland" is a Japanese anime series based on the manga of the same name written by Haro Aso. The anime falls within the psychological, thriller, and sci-fi genres. It presents a dark and mysterious narrative that follows a group of individuals who find themselves trapped in a bizarre and deadly game that challenges their survival and sanity.
The story centers around Ryohei Arisu, a young man disillusioned with his ordinary life in Tokyo. Suddenly, he and his friends find themselves transported to a seemingly abandoned version of Tokyo, where they must navigate a series of deadly games and puzzles. These games, orchestrated by an enigmatic figure known as the Game Master, require participants to solve complex challenges in order to survive. Failure results in dire consequences.
As Arisu and his friends delve deeper into the game's mysteries, they encounter other participants who are similarly trapped. The group must form alliances, outwit opponents, and uncover the truth behind the games and their purpose. The anime explores themes of morality, survival, the human psyche, and the lengths people will go to when pushed to their limits.
Directed by: Tachibana Hideki
Released: 17/10/2014
Episodes: 3
IMDb rating: 6.8/10