Darwin's Game
"Darwin's Game" is a Japanese anime series based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by FLIPFLOPs. The anime was directed by Yoshinobu Tokumoto and produced by Nexus. It falls within the action, thriller, and survival genres. The story revolves around a high-stakes survival game that takes place in the real world, where players must utilize special abilities and strategic thinking to outlast their opponents and emerge victorious
The story follows Kaname Sudou, a high school student who suddenly receives an invitation to a mobile app called "Darwin's Game". Upon accepting the invitation, Kaname finds himself unwittingly thrust into a deadly game where players fight for survival. Each participant possesses a unique ability referred to as a "Sigil," which grants them superhuman powers ranging from manipulation of fire to telekinesis. Players must use their Sigils to engage in battles against each other, and the stakes are high: defeat means death.
As Kaname navigates this perilous new world, he forms alliances, discovers the rules of the game, and strives to unravel the mysteries surrounding "Darwin's Game". With each encounter, he uncovers more about the sinister forces behind the game and the motives of the enigmatic Game Master.
"Darwin's Game" is known for its high-octane action sequences and suspenseful battles. The unique Sigils add a layer of complexity to the fights, making them visually captivating and intellectually engaging.
Directed by: Tokutomu Yoshinobu
Released: 3/1/2020
Episodes: 11
IMDb rating: 7.2/10