Derived from Junya Inoue's manga, the Japanese anime "Btooom!" categorically aligns with the action, thriller, and survival genres. Its compelling storyline revolves around an ominous real-world survival game, demanding participants to harness their strategic acumen and combat expertise to outmaneuver adversaries.
The story revolves around Ryouta Sakamoto, an unemployed and socially isolated young man who excels in a popular online video game called "Btooom!" However, Ryouta's life takes a dramatic turn when he wakes up on a deserted island, equipped only with a bag of bombs that mimic those from the game he played. He soon discovers that he's been trapped in a real-life version of "Btooom!" and must engage in battles against other individuals who have also been sent to the island.
The rules are simple: each player is armed with various types of explosive bombs, and they must strategically eliminate their opponents to gather chips that act as points. The player with the highest number of chips will be rescued from the island. As Ryouta navigates this dangerous new reality, he forms alliances, uncovers the truth behind the sinister organization orchestrating the game, and confronts the dark aspects of human nature that emerge under extreme circumstances
Directed by: Watanabe Kotono
Released: 4/10/2012
Episodes: 12
IMDb rating: 7.1/10