Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor
King's Game: The Animation is a horror anime series based on a mobile novel and a manga written by Nobuaki Kanazawa. The anime adaptation, which aired in 2017, falls within the genres of horror, mystery, and psychological thriller. It's known for its intense, suspenseful storytelling and its exploration of the consequences of a deadly supernatural game.
The story of King's Game revolves around a sinister and deadly social phenomenon known as the "King's Game". The game begins when a mysterious text message is sent to a group of high school students. The message designates one student as the "King" and assigns tasks and orders to the others. These tasks can range from seemingly harmless actions to horrifying and life-threatening commands.
Failure to obey the King's orders results in severe and often fatal consequences, as the supernatural forces behind the game enforce compliance through a series of gruesome punishments. The game also comes with rules that must be followed, including the prohibition of discussing the game with others.
The protagonist, Nobuaki Kanazawa, has survived a previous instance of the King's Game and is transferred to a new school. Unfortunately, the King's Game resurfaces, and Nobuaki finds himself trapped in the deadly game once again. As he desperately tries to uncover the truth behind the game's origin and how to escape its deadly grip, he must navigate the paranoia, fear, and distrust that arise among his classmates.
As the story unfolds, it alternates between the events of the current King's Game and flashbacks to Nobuaki's previous experience, gradually revealing the dark secrets and mysteries surrounding the deadly phenomenon
Directed by: Tokhihiro Sasaki
Released: 5/10/2017
Episodes: 12
IMDb rating: 5.0/10