Angel beats
"Angel Beats!" is a short yet emotionally impactful anime series known for its unique blend of humor, action, and psychological elements. It consists of only one season, totaling 13 episodes.
Each episode of "Angel Beats!" has a runtime of approximately 24 minutes, which is the standard duration for many anime episodes. Despite its brevity, the series is highly regarded for its ability to evoke emotions and develop characters within a short timeframe. The story revolves around an afterlife world where deceased students confront their pasts and seek redemption.
"Angel Beats!" is set in the afterlife, where the souls of deceased students find themselves in a mysterious high school-like realm. The story primarily follows Yuzuru Otonashi, a boy who wakes up in this strange world with no memory of his past life. He soon learns that the afterlife is governed by a girl named Angel (Tenshi), who enforces the rules in this realm.
A group of rebellious students, led by Yuri Nakamura, forms the "Afterlife Battlefront" and opposes Angel's authority. They believe that by defying her, they can find a way to move on to the afterlife proper and find peace. Each member of the Battlefront has their own tragic backstory and unresolved issues from their previous lives, which they must come to terms with before they can find closure and move on.
Episode: 13
Directed by: Seiji Kishi
Air Dates: April 3, 2010
IMDb Rating: 7.6