Parasyte is a Japanese anime/manga that has gained worldwide popularity. The series is written and illustrated by Hitoshi Iwaaki and consists of 10 episodes. The anime was produced by Madhouse Studio and directed by Kenichi Shimizu.
The story of Parasyte revolves around a battle between humans and alien creatures known as Parasytes. These creatures have the ability to infiltrate a human's body and take control of them. The main character of the story is Shinichi Izumi, a high school student who is invaded by a Parasyte but not completely taken over. With the help of the Parasyte within his body, Shinichi begins to fight against these creatures to protect humanity and find a way to defeat them.
One of the unique aspects of Parasyte is its length. With only 10 episodes, the story is concise and action-packed, making it easy to binge-watch in a single day. Madhouse Studio's production values are also top-notch, with stunning visuals and an engaging soundtrack that complements the intense action on screen. The character development in Parasyte is also noteworthy, as Shinichi's transformation from a timid high school student to a brave fighter is both believable and compelling. The relationship between Shinichi and his Parasyte is also an interesting dynamic that adds depth to the story.
Episode: 10
Directed by: Hitoshi Iwaaki
Air Dates: October 8, 2014
IMDb Rating: 8.3