Elfen lied
Elfen Lied is a popular anime that has gained a cult following since its release in 2004. The series was produced by Arms Studio and directed by Mamoru Kanbe. The story of Elfen Lied revolves around a race of beings known as Diclonius, who possess powerful psychic abilities and are feared by humans. The main character of the story is Lucy, a Diclonius who is captured and imprisoned by humans. After escaping from her captors, Lucy begins a violent quest for revenge against the humans who have wronged her.
One of the most impressive aspects of Elfen Lied is its animation and visual effects. The show's use of color and lighting creates a haunting and atmospheric tone that perfectly complements the dark and violent story. The show's soundtrack, which features a mix of classical music and original compositions, is also a standout feature.
The characters in Elfen Lied are also well-developed and complex, with each character having their own motivations and backstories. The relationship between Lucy and Kouta, the show's male lead, is a highlight of the series, as it develops from one of fear and mistrust to one of understanding and compassion.
Elfen Lied is a must-watch for fans of dark and violent anime, with its stunning animation, haunting soundtrack, and well-developed characters making it one of the best anime series of the early 2000s.
Episode: 13
Directed by: Mamoru Kanbe
Air Dates: July 25, 2004
IMDb Rating: 7.9