Death Parade
"Death Parade" is a thought-provoking and psychological anime series that delves into themes of morality, judgment, and the afterlife. It is an original anime series created by Yuzuru Tachikawa.
The story is set in a mysterious and otherworldly bar known as Quindecim, where the deceased arrive after their deaths. Here, they are met by the enigmatic bartender, Decim, who informs them that they are about to participate in a unique and high-stakes game. The true nature of these games is to reveal the hidden aspects of the person's soul and determine their ultimate fate: reincarnation or oblivion.
As the guests play these games, they are often confronted with their past actions and their impact on others. The moral dilemmas they face and their reactions become central to the narrative. Meanwhile, Decim, who initially appears emotionless, begins to question the fairness and morality of the judgment process, leading to his own character development and internal conflict.
"Death Parade" explores complex and morally gray situations, forcing both the characters and viewers to grapple with questions about the nature of good and evil, redemption, and the human condition. It highlights the consequences of one's actions and the potential for change, even in the face of death. The series follows Decim's personal journey as he starts to empathize with the guests and question the system he's a part of. Alongside him, various other characters, including guests and other arbiters, experience significant development as their pasts and motivations are unveiled.
Episode: 12
Directed by: Yuzuru Tachikawa
Air Dates: January 9, 2015
IMDb Rating: 7.9