Zankyou no Terror
"Zankyou no Terror", also known as "Terror in Resonance," is an anime series that combines psychological thriller, suspense, and mystery genres. It was directed by Shinichiro Watanabe, who is acclaimed for his work on anime series like "Cowboy Bebop" and "Samurai Champloo."
"Zankyou no Terror" explores themes of alienation, identity, and the consequences of society's treatment of its youth. The series delves into the idea that these two young terrorists are not simply malevolent, but rather products of a system that has failed them in some way.
The story revolves around a mysterious terrorist group known as "Sphinx" that suddenly appears in Tokyo. The group is led by two enigmatic individuals who go by the aliases Nine and Twelve. They carry out a series of intricate and high-profile terrorist attacks on the city, leaving behind riddles and puzzles as clues. As their actions escalate, they capture the attention of the authorities and the media.
Amidst the chaos, a bright and inquisitive high school student named Lisa Mishima becomes unintentionally entangled with Sphinx. As the story unfolds, it becomes apparent that Nine and Twelve have a deeper agenda and a personal history that connects them to a dark government conspiracy.
Episode: 11
Directed by: Shinichiro Watanabe
Air Dates: July 11, 2014
IMDb Rating: 7.8