Angel Densetsu
Norihiro Yagi's "Angel Densetsu" is a martial arts and comedy manga written and illustrated by him. The plot revolves around Seiichiro Kitano, a high school student known for his terrifying appearance. His classmates fear him despite his kind and gentle personality because of his monstrous appearance, which includes sharp teeth, wild hair, and a menacing expression.
Kitano is involved in a number of comedic misunderstandings and misadventures as he goes about his daily life. However, there are several serious and dramatic moments in the manga, particularly when Kitano's martial arts skills are put to the test. "Angel Densetsu" is well-known for its original and amusing take on the martial arts genre. The manga challenges stereotypes by featuring a protagonist who appears to be a villain but is actually a kind and noble character. The artwork is noteworthy as well, with an emphasis on exaggerated facial expressions and physical comedy.
Overall, "Angel Densetsu" is a must-read for martial arts and comedy manga fans alike. Its unique premise and engaging characters set it apart from the pack, and its success has resulted in several spin-off manga and anime adaptations.
Author: Norihiro Yagi
Original run: May 7, 1992 – February 5, 2000
Volumes: 15
Status: Ongoing
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