Kouji Mori's "Holyland" is a Japanese martial arts manga series written and illustrated by him. From 2001 to 2008, the series was serialized in Weekly Young Magazine and collected into 18 tankbon volumes. The plot revolves around Yuu Kamishiro, a high school student who is constantly bullied and ostracized by his peers. To escape his unhappy life, he begins to wander the streets at night, where he develops an interest in street fighting. He begins to feel a sense of purpose and belonging as he improves his martial arts skills and learns to control his fear and anger.
The show is known for its realistic portrayal of street fighting and martial arts, as well as its exploration of themes such as self-discovery, personal growth, and the search for meaning in life. The series' characters are complex and multi-dimensional, each dealing with their own personal demons and challenges. Both fans and critics of martial arts manga have praised the "Holyland" manga series. Its realistic depictions of street fighting and martial arts techniques, as well as its emphasis on character development and personal growth, have earned it high praise. In Japan, the series has also been adapted into a live-action drama series.
If you want to read "Holyland," the manga series is available on various online retailers such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Because of the depictions of violence and mature themes, the series is rated for mature audiences.
Author: Kouji Mori
Original run: October 12, 2000 – May 23, 2008
Volumes: 18
Status: Completed
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