Moare Ohta's "Teppu" is a martial arts manga written and illustrated by him. The plot revolves around the character Natsuo Ishido, a gifted martial artist who has never lost a fight. However, she grows tired of dominating her opponents and seeks a new challenge.
Natsuo's life is turned upside down when she meets another fighter, a girl named Rika, who is the polar opposite of her in personality and fighting style. Rika is a wrestler, and she puts Natsuo to the test both physically and mentally. Natsuo becomes increasingly obsessed with defeating Rika and proving herself to be the best fighter as the story progresses. "Teppu" is well-known for its realistic depiction of martial arts and complex characters. The manga delves into themes such as competition, friendship, and personal development. The characters are not stereotypical and are depicted with depth and nuance, which makes them more relatable and engaging for readers.
Overall, "Teppu" is a fresh new take on the martial arts genre. It subverts many of the common tropes and clichés found in other martial arts manga, presenting a more grounded and realistic view of the fighting world. If you like martial arts manga and want to try something new, "Teppu" is definitely worth a look.
Author: Moare Ohta
Original run: November 7, 2008 – July 7, 2015
Volumes: 8
Status: Completed
Buy here: https://bom.so/DhI4wu