"Another" is a Japanese anime series that falls within the genres of horror, mystery, and supernatural. The story begins with a curse that befalls a small town, leading to a series of mysterious and gruesome deaths.
The main protagonist, Kouichi Sakakibara, discovers that his class is haunted by a vengeful spirit and becomes embroiled in uncovering the truth behind the curse. The anime's dangerous aspect lies in its eerie atmosphere, intense psychological suspense, and graphic depiction of the curse's lethal consequences.
As the characters attempt to unravel the town's dark secrets, they find themselves ensnared in a pervasive sense of dread and impending doom. With its chilling narrative and themes of fate and mortality, "Another" delves into the perilous and macabre nature of the unknown.
- Directed by: Mizushima Tsutomu
- Written by: Higaki Ryō
- Studio: P.A. Works
- Original run: January 10, 2012 –March 27 2012
- Episodes: 12