Future Diary
"Future Diary" (Mirai Nikki) is a renowned anime series that telling around a deadly survival game. The story follows the protagonist, Yukiteru Amano, who gains the ability to predict the future through his cellphone diary and is forced to participate in a battle royale against other future diary holders, each with their own unique abilities.
The dangerous aspect of the anime lies in the intense psychological and physical peril faced by the characters, the brutality of the contestants in the survival game, and the complex and often disturbing relationships they form. The series explores themes of obsession, manipulation, and the lengths people will go to for survival. With its dark and suspenseful tone, "Future Diary" presents a narrative that delves into the chilling and perilous nature of the human psyche.
- Directed by: Hosoda Naoto
- Written by: Takayama Katsuhiko
- Studio: Asread
- Original run: Octorber 10, 2011 – April 16, 2012
- Episodes: 26