"Monster" is a compelling Japanese anime series written and illustrated by Naoki Urasawa, which tells the intense and complex story of Kenzo Tenma, a skilled Japanese surgeon living in Germany. The series delves into the dangers of encountering Johan Liebert, a former patient of Tenma's who is revealed to be a psychopathic serial killer.
This gripping narrative weaves through themes of crime, mystery, and psychological thrillers, portraying the dangers Kenzo Tenma faces as he becomes entangled in Johan's sinister web. The series unfolds as the characters navigate the perilous psychological terrain shaped by Johan's chilling actions. Urasawa's masterful storytelling artfully highlights the profound danger lurking within the human psyche, creating a profoundly gripping and intense tale of suspense and peril and captivating audiences with its intricate exploration of danger and suspense.
- Directed by: Masayuki Kojima
- Written by: Tatsuhiko Urahata
- Studio: Madhouse
- Original run: 7 April 2004 – 28 September 2005
- Episodes: 74