Assassination Classroom
"Assassination Classroom" is a Japanese anime series that revolves around a class of misfit students who are entrusted with the dangerous task of assassinating their alien teacher named Koro-sensei. Koro-sensei threatens to destroy the Earth within a year, but he offers the students a chance to kill him by the end of the school year.
The content of this anime can be considered dangerous due to its portrayal of high-stakes situations, potential violence, and the theme of assassination, albeit in a comedic and fantastical context. The students undergo rigorous training and engage in various tactics to fulfill their mission, making the anime a blend of action, science fiction, and comedy. Despite its dangerous premise, the series also explores themes of friendship, personal growth, and the value of life, adding depth to its narrative.
- Directed by: Seiji Kishi
- Written by: Makoto Uezu
- Studio: Lerche
- Released: November 19, 2016
- Runtime: 92 minutes