Death Parade
"Death Parade" is a well-known anime miniseries that delves into the concept of life and death, exploring the afterlife in a mysterious and compelling manner. The anime's content revolves around the dangerous and thought-provoking premise of individuals being sent to mysterious, enigmatic bars upon their demise. These bars serve as the setting for intense psychological games that determine the fate of the deceased.
As the characters engage in these high-stakes games, their true natures are revealed, uncovering deep and often perilous truths about themselves and others. Through this exploration of the human psyche and the moral dilemmas faced in life-and-death situations, Death Parade presents a gripping and perilous narrative that captures the audience's attention and imagination.
- Directed by: Yuzuru Tachikawa, Jun Shishido
- Written by: Yuzuru Tachikawa
- Studio: Madhouse
- Original run: January 9, 2015 – March 27, 2015
- Episodes: 12