Asafoetida is a dried gum resin made from the taproot or rhizome of gigantic fennels, namely Ferula assafoetida. The plants that are utilized to make the spice are indigenous to Iran and Afghanistan. When exposed to air, the resinous fluid begins to coagulate and has a strong and pungent odor comparable to garlic.
When the product solidifies, its color ranges from grey to black, but it is typically reddish to brown. This spice can be acquired in numerous types - tears, mass, paste, and powder. The tears are the purest form, the bulk is the most widely available commercially, and the powdered form typically contains additives such as gum arabic, flour, and turmeric.
Asafoetida is now primarily used in India, where it is highly valued for its antiseptic properties, and it is frequently added to legumes and vegetables. Asafoetida is still used to cook dried meat in Afghanistan.