Aura, often known as Aura the Guillotine, is a strong anime character that possesses the Spell of Obedience, Auserlese. She uses Scales of Obedience to measure her opponent's soul's mana against her own, providing the soul with more mana and total power over the other's body.
Aura's power over other people's souls adds an intriguing aspect to her character, depicting her as a forceful and important person in skirmishes and confrontations. Furthermore, her dependence on this talent reveals her faith in the supremacy of her magic as well as her strategic nature, as seen by her careful withdrawal when confronted with dangerous foes. Aura's power gives her character depth, displaying a combination of strength, strategy, and individualism that leads to her interesting presence in the anime plot.
- Romaji: Aura
- Gender: Female
- Age: 500+
- Species: Demon
- Class: Mage
- Hair Color: Magenta
- Eye Color: Dark Blue
- Manga Debut: 14
- Anime Debut: Episode 8
- Abilities: Spell of Obedience: Auserlese