Flamme, a prominent character in the anime "Frieren," wields formidable magical prowess that solidifies her status as a revered mage. Renowned as "The Great Mage Flamme," her exceptional abilities are rooted in her mastery of diverse magical spells and her capacity to conjure impenetrable barriers, which continue to thwart demonic forces even after a millennium.
Flamme's magic extends beyond mere combat proficiency, as she showcases a deep empathy and understanding of her apprentice, Frieren. Her dream of ushering in an era where all individuals can harness the power of magic contributed to the establishment of widespread magic research, earning her the moniker "founder of mankind's magic."
Notably, Flamme imparts her extensive knowledge and teaches Frieren a spell to create a field of flowers, symbolizing her genuine love for magic. This portrayal of Flamme in the anime encapsulates a character with remarkable magical prowess coupled with profound compassion and foresight.
- Romaji: Furanme
- Gender: Female
- Class: Mage
- Hair Color: Orange
- Eye Color: Blue-green
- Manga Debut: Chapter 7
- Anime Debut: Episode 4
- Abilities: Unnamed Offensive Spell