Fern or Ferun, is a important character in the anime series "Frieren." As a young human mage, Fern exhibits remarkable power and proficiency in magic. Despite her upbringing as an orphaned war refugee from the Southern Lands, Fern's disciplined training from a young age has shaped her into a formidable mage.
She is deeply loyal and dedicated as an apprentice, possessing the ability to maintain composure even in the most challenging combat situations. Fern's magical abilities are a testament to her determination, having earned recognition from her mentor, Frieren, as a powerful mage in her own right.
Her resilience and unwavering focus on mastering magic are fueled by her past, having faced the loss of her parents and subsequent adoption by Heiter. In the anime, Fern's power as a mage is a central aspect of her character, symbolizing strength, discipline, and unwavering loyalty in the face of adversity.
- Romaji: Ferun
- Gender: Female
- Age: 18
- Class: Mage
- Rank: First Class
- Hair Color: Purple
- Eye Color: Purple
- Manga Debut: Chapter 2
- Anime Debut: Episode 1
- Abilities: Mana Concealment, Mana Detection, Quick Spell Casting