Stark, also commonly as Shutaruku, is a prominent character in the anime series Frieren. Possessing superhuman abilities, Stark exhibits remarkable physical prowess, including extraordinary speed, strength, agility, reflexes, and pain tolerance.
Famed for his Lightning Strike technique, Stark forgoes defense to execute a swift and devastating axe strike, creating a luminous beam that can cleave through cliffs and other obstacles. Despite his intense fear of monsters and recurring thoughts of fleeing from daunting battles, Stark's charismatic and kind-hearted nature endears him to the communities he encounters.
His compassion for others leads him to protect them tirelessly, displaying immense courage when faced with perilous situations, even at the potential cost of his own life. In summary, Stark's combination of superhuman abilities, internal struggles, and noble character makes him a compelling and dynamic figure in the anime series.
- Romaji: Shutaruku
- Gender: Male
- Class: Warrior
- Age: 18
- Hair Color: Red with black roots
- Eye Color: Orange
- Manga Debut: Chapter 10
- Anime Debut: Episode 5
- Abilities: Physical Abilities, Techniques