Frieren, the main protagonist in "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End," possesses remarkable powers in the anime. Her immense mana output surpasses even that of Aura, one of the Seven Sages of Destruction.
Frieren has honed the art of concealing her mana to use as a deception strategy against demons, with exceptional skill in this domain. Additionally, she holds a spell to produce a field of flowers, a sentimental magic taught by her mentor, Flamme.
Frieren's analytical ability is another standout power, as she excels at analyzing and countering magics, including those used by the Seven Sages of Destruction. Notably, she has broken through the impenetrable barrier of the Immortal Bse. These abilities make Frieren a formidable character in the anime, adding depth and intrigue to her role in the series.
- Romaji: Furīren
- Gender: Female
- Age: 1000+
- Class: Mage
- Rank: Back-alley mage
- Hair Color: White
- Eye Color: Green
- Manga Debut: Chapter 1
- Anime Debut: Episode 1
- Abilities: Immense Mana Output, Mana Concealment, Spell to produce a field of flowers, Analytical Ability