In the "Ben-To" world, there is a peculiar subculture centered around the concept of "Half-Priced Bento." Each night, when the supermarkets are about to close, a fierce battle unfolds between high school students and other bargain hunters to grab discounted bento boxes. These brawls are intense, and participants are known as "Wolves."
The story follows the protagonist, Sato Yo, an ordinary high school student who finds himself dragged into the world of bento brawls after a chance encounter with a legendary wolf named Sen Yarizui, also known as "The Ice Witch." Sen introduces Yo to the rules and strategies of the bento battles, and he quickly becomes known as the "Pervert of Steel" due to his resilience and willingness to fight for his meals.
As Yo navigates this unusual world, he forms alliances and rivalries with other Wolves, including Hana Oshiroi, an eccentric girl with a unique imagination, and Ayame Shaga, a sophisticated and skilled fighter. Together, they engage in epic brawls over bento boxes, all while uncovering the mysteries and traditions of the Half-Priced Bento subculture.
The anime targets action-comedy series fans looking for a unique and entertaining premise. Its blend of absurd humor, fast-paced action, and camaraderie among characters creates an enjoyable and lighthearted viewing experience. Additionally, "Ben-To" appeals to those who appreciate unconventional and imaginative takes on everyday situations.
Directed by: Shin Itagaki
Released: 9/10/2011
Episodes: 12
IMDb rating: 6.7/10