Shokugeki no Soma
"Shokugeki no Soma," also known as "Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma," is a popular anime series based on the manga written by Yuto Tsukuda and illustrated by Shun Saeki. The anime originally aired from 2015 to 2020 and consists of multiple seasons.
"Shokugeki no Soma" begins with the introduction of Yukihira Soma, a passionate and confident young chef working at his family's modest restaurant. His culinary skills are honed through years of helping his father, Joichiro Yukihira, in the kitchen. However, Soma's world is turned upside down when his father decides to close the restaurant and sends him to Totsuki Culinary Academy, a prestigious institution renowned for producing top-tier chefs. At Totsuki, Soma encounters many talented and eccentric culinary students. He quickly forms friendships, including with the shy and talented Megumi Tadokoro, and also finds himself butting heads with Erina Nakiri, the academy's top student with an impeccable palate.
The heart of the anime lies in the intense culinary battles known as "Shokugeki." These showdowns are a cornerstone of the Totsuki experience, where students wager their reputations, privileges, and even their futures on the outcome of these cooking duels. Soma's journey at the academy involves participating in these high-stakes battles, constantly pushing the boundaries of his cooking, and striving to become the academy's top chef. Along the way, he faces formidable opponents, uncovers family secrets, and uncorks the potential of his culinary creativity.
Directed by: Yoshitomo Yonetani
Released: 3/4/2015
Episodes: 61
IMDb rating: 8.1/10