Chuka Ichiban
"Chuka Ichiban," also known as "Shin Chuuka Ichiban!," is an anime series based on the manga "Chuuka Ichiban!" by Etsushi Ogawa. The series is a sequel to the original "Cooking Master Boy" anime and is set in a historical setting.
"Chuka Ichiban" follows the adventures of Liu Maoxing, a young and highly talented chef who aspires to become a "Super Chef." In this culinary world, a Super Chef is the ultimate title reserved for those who have mastered the art of cooking and made significant contributions to the world of cuisine.
Maoxing's journey begins when he leaves his home village and embarks on a quest to explore the vast and diverse culinary landscape of 19th-century China. Along the way, he hones his skills, learns from seasoned chefs, and encounters regional specialties while striving to create his signature dishes that reflect his creativity and passion for food.
The series' heart lies in Maoxing's culinary battles, where he faces off against formidable rivals in high-stakes cooking competitions. These battles are intense, and the anime beautifully showcases the preparation and presentation of intricate Chinese dishes. Each battle tests Maoxing's cooking abilities and delves into the cultural and historical context of the prepared words. Viewers are treated to a visual and gastronomic feast as they witness the characters' dedication to their craft, their love for Chinese cuisine, and the unique challenges each region presents
Directed by: Kawasaki Itsuro
Released: 10/11/2017
Episodes: 24
IMDb rating: 7.5/10