Gourmet Girl Graffiti
"Gourmet Girl Graffiti," an anime adaptation of Makoto Kawai's manga, invites viewers into the life of Ryou Machiko, a high school girl with a passion for traditional Japanese cooking.
After her grandmother's passing, Ryou has been missing the warmth and connection she once felt through her culinary creations. However, her world changes when her cheerful cousin, Kirin Morino, moves in with her. Together, they embark on a heartwarming culinary journey, rediscovering the joy of food, family, and friendship. The series showcases Japanese cuisine's art and explores the profound emotional connections forged through shared meals and nostalgia.
With its visually appealing animation by Shaft, "Gourmet Girl Graffiti" brings to life the delicious dishes prepared by Ryou and the adorable interactions between its characters. It caters to fans of slice-of-life anime, offering a delightful blend of food, culture, and personal growth.
Ryou and Kirin's story unfolds through the power of cooking, delivering a heartwarming and charming narrative that emphasizes the beauty of human connection, making it a must-watch for those seeking a comforting and feel-good anime experience.
Directed by: Akiyuki Shinbo, Naoyuki Tatsuwa
Released: 9/1/2015
Episodes: 12
IMDb rating: 6.7/10