Restaurant to Another World
"Restaurant to Another World" is a unique and heartwarming anime that blends the popular isekai genre with the love of food and culinary exploration. The story revolves around Nekoya, a seemingly ordinary restaurant tucked away in a corner of Tokyo. However, this restaurant has a secret that sets it apart from any other: it has a magical door that opens to another world every Saturday.
As the door to Nekoya opens into different fantasy realms, a diverse array of otherworldly creatures and adventurers find themselves in the welcoming embrace of the restaurant. Whether they come from a high-fantasy kingdom, a dragon-filled landscape, or a sci-fi future, they all share one thing in common—their love for the exquisite dishes prepared by the enigmatic Master of Nekoya.
Each episode introduces a new set of customers with their own unique backgrounds, tastes, and experiences. The show's heart lies in exploring how the food from Nekoya brings solace, joy, and nostalgia to these visitors, who often seek refuge from the challenges and adventures of their own worlds.
The anime beautifully captures the essence of food as a universal language that transcends cultural and dimensional boundaries. Viewers are treated to sumptuous visual representations of the dishes, and the reactions of the characters as they savor each bite add depth to the storytelling. The series emphasizes the simple yet profound pleasures of dining and the connections that can be forged over a shared meal.
"Restaurant to Another World" offers a soothing and heartwarming viewing experience that celebrates the magic of food and the bonds it can create, making it a delightful choice for both food enthusiasts and fans of the isekai genre.
Directed by: Masato Jinbo
Released: 4/7/2017
Episodes: 24
IMDb rating: 7.2/10