Black Diamond

You may not have been born with a silver spoon, but you may learn to use one. The Scoopi cafe in Dubai delivers one of the most costly ice creams in a Versace dish with silver spoons. Saffron and black truffles come together in one single scoop. The world's most pricey gourmet ingredient is the black truffle, which costs roughly AED 400 for 10 grams. The Black Diamond in cuisine is so-named because of the color of the ingredients they are based on.

One scoop of The Black Diamond costs you AED 3000. It is a singular scoop of Madagascar ice cream, freshly churning next to you. It is layered with gold dust, a generous sprinkle of Iranian Saffron, and tasty gold foil. You get to retain the Versace dish and the silver spoon as well after you are done with this opulent dessert, too.

We know that these things are commonplace in the city of riches. You have probably seen or heard about their passion for gold, too. This dish took Zubin Doshi, the owner, and inventor, five weeks to create.

  • Price: AED 3000 (~ $810)
Source: twitter
Source: twitter
Source: huffpost
Source: huffpost

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