Bugs Bunny
Bugs Bunny is an animated cartoon character created in the late 1930s by Leon Schlesinger Productions (later Warner Bros. Cartoons) and voiced by Mel Blanc. Bugs is known for starring in the animated short series Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies, produced by Warner Bros. The exact characterization of Bugs Bunny is widely recognized as having debuted in director Tex AveryThe film is nominated for. Oscar nomination A Wild Hare (1940).
Bugs is a anthropomorphized gray-white rabbit or hare, known for his taciturn personality. He is also characterized by a Brooklyn accent, playing a con man and his catchphrase "Eh... What's the matter, doc?". Due to Bugs' popularity during the heyday of American animation, he's not only become an American cultural icon and the official mascot of Warner Bros. Entertainment, but also one of the most recognizable figures in the world. Therefore, he can be seen in the older logos of Warner Bros.
Bugs starred in over 160 animated short films produced between 1940 and 1964. Since then, he has appeared in feature films, compilations, TV series, CDs, and comic books. , video games, award shows, amusement park rides, and advertising. He has also appeared in more films than any other animated character, is the 9th most portrayed movie character in the world, and has his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Bugs Bunny is an animated cartoon character, created by the staff of Leon Schlesinger Productions (later Warner Bros.) He is one of the most famous cartoon characters, and he is in the show Looney Tunes. His famous quote is "What's up doc?". He is a gray colored bunny with big teeth and big feet. His favorite food is carrots.