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Complete Guide to Conflict Management in the Workplace

Misunderstandings, miscommunication, perceived threats, personality clashes, a competitive climate, or differing values or views can all lead to workplace conflict. However, the most serious issue produced by disputes is not the conflict itself but rather how conflicts are managed—or, in many cases, not handled at all. Humans are hardwired to seek pleasure and avoid suffering. As a result, we instinctively avoid dealing with disagreement. The issue is that avoiding or mishandling disagreements leads to larger issues with long-term effects that can be harmful to our psychological well-being and the effectiveness of any team or company.

You will learn the following in this course: Develop knowledge of frequent origins of conflict and be aware of the warning signals so that you may prevent or limit conflict by detecting it early. Discover your natural conflict resolution style—whether you retreat, back down, compete, compromise, or actually collaborate—and how to adjust your reactions to be more effective. Create a psychologically safe work atmosphere in which people and teams feel comfortable expressing themselves, making errors, and speaking out because they know they will not be scolded or mocked, and that they will be supported in their pursuit of excellence. This is one of the greatest online courses to learn conflict management.

Who is this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to learn how to prevent and resolve conflict through effective communication techniques and proven strategies
  • Leaders, managers or human resources professionals who want to establish conflict resolution guidelines, procedures, and training for their staff
  • Leaders and managers who want to create a low-conflict, high creativity work environment for their employees, departments, and teams


  • Ability to print worksheet material

Udemy rating: 4.4/5

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