
The Cubolta River is a left tributary of the Răut that originates in the town of Lipnic and runs into the Răut on the left bank, near the village of Putinești, at an elevation of 85 meters. The river's length is 101.3 kilometers, while the basin's surface area is -943 kilometers.
The basin's surface ranges from 287.6 meters in the high part to 150 meters in the bottom part. Cretaceous and Tertiary layers (limestone, marl, sands, clays) provide the foundation, which is covered by a Quaternary loess modal overlay. On the surface, chernozems have formed, and loessial clays occur. The basin's area is dominated by agricultural land, with mature deciduous forests (oak, ash, maple, and acacia) occupying only 1.2 percent of the basin's surface.
The slopes are steep, ranging in height from 40 to 120 meters, concave and straight, consisting of sandy clays, furrowed by valleys and ravines, with several quarries for limestone extraction, primarily exploited under agricultural land, grassy. The meadow is bilateral, smooth, and dry, with meadow vegetation and marshy regions in some places. It is made primarily of sandy clays and has meadow vegetation.
Length: 101.3 km