"Dakaichi: I'm Being Harassed by the Sexiest Man of the Year" (also known as "Dakaichi") is a Boys' Love (BL) anime series based on the manga written by Hashigo Sakurabi. That is one of the best BL (Boys Love) anime of all time. The anime adaptation was produced by CloverWorks and aired from October to December 2018. The story of "Dakaichi" revolves around the professional and romantic lives of two male actors, Junta Azumaya and Takato Saijo. Junta is an up-and-coming actor who unexpectedly becomes the target of Takato, who holds the title of "Sexiest Man of the Year." Takato, with his unparalleled charm and popularity, expresses his desire to be in a relationship with Junta.
As the series progresses, the complex relationship between Junta and Takato unfolds. They navigate the challenges of their careers, deal with personal insecurities, and explore the boundaries of their feelings for each other. "Dakaichi" explores themes of love, jealousy, and the power dynamics within a romantic relationship. The anime garnered attention for its explicit portrayal of intimate scenes and its ability to capture the emotional nuances of the characters. It also delves into the world of the entertainment industry, shedding light on the pressures and challenges faced by actors.
"Dakaichi" received mixed reviews, with some praising its romantic love and the chemistry between the main characters, while others critiqued its explicit content. Nevertheless, it has found a dedicated following within the BL fandom and has contributed to the visibility and acceptance of BL narratives in mainstream anime. In summary, "Dakaichi" is a BL anime series that explores the romantic relationship between two male actors. With its focus on love, desire, and the challenges of the entertainment industry, the series has attracted both praise and criticism. It remains a notable addition to the BL genre and has sparked discussions surrounding its explicit content and portrayal of relationships.
Title: Dakaretai Otoko 1-i ni Odosarete Imasu.
Author: Hashigo Sakurabi
Genre: Animation, Drama, Comedy
Episodes: 13
Watch here: https://shorturl.at/CTXY6